Iceland - Things to Take

Just one more Iceland post. In case anyone is planning on going I thought I'd supply some packing pointers.

Things I'm glad I took...

  • A Rain Coat - it rained on and off the whole time we were there. The wind was so strong an umbrella wouldn't have done a bit of good.
  • Dollars to Kronar conversion table - I printed it from Excel, laminated it with packing tape, very handy
  • Gloves - It was cold.

    Things I wish I had brought...

  • Warmer gloves - It was really cold.
  • Gortex pants - We took a tour of the sights and between the wind, sleet and rain our clothes were soaked.
  • Gortex parka - See above.
  • Ski hat - Again see above. I had a hood but the wind was so strong it wouldn't stay on - ended up buying a hat.
  • An English to Icelandic Dictionary

    Everyone we met in Iceland spoke English but Icelandic is definely the language of choice and it would have been nice to understand a few words. We picked up a visitor's guide book in the hotel lobby and it did have a few "indespensible" words and phrases. I would have considered "Where is the bathroom" and indespensible phrase. The writers of this book had other ideas. Here are a few of their "indespensible" phrases...

    I am a Viking.
    I'm on vacation.
    You are cute!
    What is your name?
    Where do you live?
    What's you number?

    I'm not sure for whom this list is indended - Viking swingers? Hmmm, I burly, bearded men in white leisure suits and horned helments - it could be a Monty Python skit.
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