Thanks everyone, Geninne this was done in photoshop but the technique is very similar to an lino cut. I just use the photoshop eraser tool instead of a lino cutter (it's easier on my fingers if I slip!)
Excellent! I really like the style, and I just love the complete transformation of the dog. We don't pretend our dog is an angel (she's a big German shepherd). In fact, one of her nicknames is "Devil Dog." Wonderful take on the topic:>
HAHAHAHA!!! I know just what youmean--my Angeldevil Dog just crawled sweetly under the bed as if she wasn't really down raiding thekitchen garbage 5minutes ago...
I especially like the texture in the pups body.
Both of them came out great...I just LOVE your work. Are they linocuts? or just an effect?
I know just what youmean--my Angeldevil Dog just crawled sweetly under the bed as if she wasn't really down raiding thekitchen garbage 5minutes ago...
Anette V. Heiberg