Illustration Friday - Opposites

Most people couldn't believe Geraldine and Earnestine were related much less identical twins. The sisters were as opposite as brussell sprouts and deep-fried Twinkies. About the only thing they shared was lunch every Tuesday at Tiny's.

It was a bit creepy working on this drawing because I posed for both women. I couldn't help wondering which one I will turn into in twenty years. Which one do I want to turn into? Hmmmm...


JO said…
Great illo.
wow! this is wonderful! I love your drawing style :)
Amy Zaleski said…
This is just so good! I love the gestures...I can almost believe that they're real people. I wonder what their conversation is about. Wonderful details too. Works well as a line drawing on its own, and would probably be spectacular with some color, although it doesn't need it.
PittrPattr said…
excellent excellent.
& you know someone's good when just the line drawing is great.
murphy girl said…
i like this drawing, and the story behind it...i'm sure you'll have a bit of both in you!
Susan Mitchell said…
Very clever Jenn, and a lovely drawing - maybe you will end up being a bit of both of those ladies! :)
° said…
great expressions and line quality
S.T. Lewis said…
Just spent some time looking around your blog... I love it! Your style's awesome! Great stuff... glad I found it.
baggelboy said…
We should always draw the things we are.
Even if they do scare us.

Alicia Souza said…
ur stuff is great!!! i love ur outlines!
Liz Jones said…
Oh-- love it! Both the image and the description are priceless!
Dana S. Whitney said…
I like this... opposites... but not so much!
great piece
Jana Bouc said…
Wonderful drawing and great little story to make it all come together. Your comments really interested me when you said you posed for both drawings... did you photograph yourself posing or have help doing that or did you look in a mirror?
pip said…
there's so much character in these ladies. very nice
JAN said…
wonderful drawing
J. E. Morris said…
Thanks everyone. Jana, I did use photos. I set the timer on my camera and sat at my kitchen table. I use the photos mainly to get the body proportions right.
Really great Jennifer - I love it!
Great to see your work in various styles. Lovely.
Anonymous said…
very nice, good use of line. Who needs colors?
Anne said…
Good idea! Congratulations, it's very good.
Unknown said…
This sketch is lovely, would be coool tosee a color version of it!
Anette Heiberg said…
Great idea Jenn, and I love the look of it - they have so much character.

Debra Cooper said…
Very Norman Rockwell! It's just great!
Tamsin said…
great drawing!
Ginger*:) said…
You also drew my mom and her little sister. My mom is the one on the left... That is what I so wish I could become as well.

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