Illustration Friday - Hide

Parties are suppose to be fun and happy. But sometimes they are just too loud, too crowded and too everything and you just want to find a quiet place to hide.


Josy said…
I know you're a newspaper-featured professional and all, but this is still fantastic. I love the expression and pose of the little girl, and I'm enchanted by the backwards lettering on the tablecloth, too. Brilliant.
travis king said…
very, very cute.
Kathy said…
very sweet, and oh so true..
Brine Blank said…
nice pic but really great job with the angles of the feet...sometimes that can be a super tricky draw...
Anonymous said…
I remember this one. . .I loved it then and I love it now. . .
I love your illustration. You've taken an interesting approach and little girl's feelings are so clear.
JO said…
Works perfectly, nicely done.
Kathleen Rietz said…
Yep, really great!
modernemotive said…
Hi Jennifer,

I jsut found your website the other day and wanted to let you know how inspriring your work is.

I work in the creative field too and have always wanted to explore the art of illustration too. I really like your technique.

Would you be willing to share some tips? i.e. which brushes you use, how you do your shading.

I was playing around yesterday and got some nice results but who love to hear your process.
Michelle Lana said…
Wonderful job on capturing the whole mood and the whole feeling of the little girl!!! Very very cool! Great work!
Diane Duda said…
i wish i could still do that at parties!!! hey, what's that 42 year-old woman doing under the table? did she pass out?

love it!
studio lolo said…
This says it all! Excellent illo.
° said…
nice work
Doug said…
very nice!
Mette said…
aw, that is so cute and a little sad. good job on the expression, - it absolutely says it.
Liz Jones said…
This is perfect-- surprise parties in particular can be hard on kids, even though they may love the idea! Good choice!
i totally understand how she feels, love the b-day hat and frilly dress.
Susan Mitchell said…
Aww, great expression and pose. Poor little thing, maybe she can be tempted to come out with some cake :)
tusen said…
really cute. As most people before me, I simply love her pose
nicole falk said…
so great
Anonymous said…
Oh cool! There's a neat "ah ha" moment when you realize where she is. I'm with her, I always dreaded b-day parties.

Nice work!
Anonymous said…
oh, so perfect. love the little legs and feet... cute how the leotards bunch a bit as they do on little ones. great color; and, as someone else mentioned, great extra detail with the backward lettering :) really nice work!
Anonymous said…
oh, so perfect. love the little legs and feet... cute how the leotards bunch a bit as they do on little ones. great color; and, as someone else mentioned, great extra detail with the backward lettering :) really nice work!
bekava said…
fantastic... the lighting on her face caught my eye. :)

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