Illustration Friday - Clutter

This is a frame from a comic book style version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


damon said…
cool style
murphy girl said…
it fits the bill nicely!
Fourborne said…
Nice take on the story. Cute illo.
Anonymous said…
nicely done! :)
Great illustration and style. I really like your other things as well. Great work.
Eugenia Gina said…
haha! love the expression, and the situation really fits with the topic!
damn golden curly hair!
What a messy girl... :D
Emily said…
oooh! hihi... darn that girl! I love this take on the theme!
Tracy said…
Oh, wow, Jennifer! This is absolutely awesome! Love their expressions. (I never did like that naughty old Goldilocks!)
thefridayfrog said…
that little braided menace! whadda mess! this is excellent, jennifer! a nice switch up from your softer styles! :))
krisztina maros said…
it's wonderful! love these bears' looking :)

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