Comics on the Run

My new comic is dedicated to people who don't have enough hours in their day. Most of this comic was done during all those little down times during my day. I worked on it at the car dealer while waiting for an oil change, at my son's Taekwondo practice, at the doctor's waiting room and at the Chinese restaurant while I was waiting for my hubbie. Most of it was done with a Pentel Brush Pen. They are very cool, they allow you to use use brush and ink practially anywhere.

I did do the lettering and speech bubbles in Photoshop and I also cleaned up my messy messy ink drawings. (I didn't realize how out of practice I was using a real brush - Eek!) I would have rather done this story using the same technique as the other ones in the series, but I didn't think I would have them done in time for Valentine's day, besides, what would I have done at Taekwondo practice?

The whole story will be posted over the next two weeks in the free comic section of my website.


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