New Year Resolution #1 - Draw More from Life

Okay, I make this resolution every year. And every year, it falls to the bottom of my to-do list and I never seem to get around to it. But this year, I'm going to try my best. Even though most of what I draw isn't realistic, I think drawing details from life enlivens any illustration.

So here's my plan. I have, or should I say, my son has Taekwondo on Mondays for 1 hours and on Wednesdays my daughter has dance for 90 minutes. So even if I draw for those two times every week that's more than I did last year. At least I'm progressing in the right direction.

Here's my drawing from last week's ballet class. I eventually want to start going outdoors and doing some plein air work but it's January in New England, so for now, I think a warm Panera Bread sounds much more inviting.


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