Frog Friends Paper Plates

There are times that I do work for a company and I can't show it to anyone due to confidentiality. I have to wait until the work has been published, which can sometimes take years. Or even worse, sometimes a piece never gets published at all. So I was happy this morning when I stumbled across some familiar paper plates at the birthday-in-a-box website.


Ginger*:) said…
How wonderful! these are just great, Jenn. And I know how much the little kids in our family,,, and the grownups froggies. I am so glad you could share. These colors are great and very PARTY!!
Donna Farrell said…
very cool! how long ago did you do these?
Love them - really fun and bright. They work so well all together like that too.

But surely they should have told you that they were out there?
jmeyersketches said…
Awesome, now I want to go out and buy some froggy stuff! =)

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