Wow, what a nice review

I was surfing the internet and found the following review of my book on Epinions. It was such a nice write up I just had to share. Thank you "two elmos"

Incidentally this isn't the first time I've heard of a child using the word please after reading "May I Please Have a Cookie?" Coincidence? maybe.



Anette Heiberg said…
What a great review Jenn!
John Nez said…
How nice! And it's the authenticity that really means more than some dumb critic's opinion.

Lovely paintings!

Thats wonderful! You should definitely have other Alfie the Aligator books!
Paula Pertile said…
What a great review Jenn! And from a 'real' person. Sounds like more Alphie books might be in the works now, eh?
Tracy said…
I sounds as if you may need to write another Alfie book! I look forward to reading it :)
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